Sunday 23 April 2017

# 26

 number twenty six
is a group of twenty
knitted poppies
for the
Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
who are creating
a handmade tribute
to the 4,282 soldiers of the infantry
who died during WW1

my ancestor
William Wardle Colling Hall
was one of them,
so I made a special poppy
just for him

Saturday 22 April 2017

# 25

more uses for
leftover yarn

number twenty five
is a bit boring

but very useful

three crocheted nests
to send to
whitby wildlife sanctuary

they do brilliant work
helping sick and injured animals

# 24

a belated happy easter
from this little chick
and his basket of
chocolate goodies

made from a pattern
by amanda berry
chirpy birds

# 23

number twenty three,
another stash buster

this time I used up
some cotton
which is great for these
string bags

great for stuffing
laundry in

# 22

number twenty two
is my old favourite
hot water bottle cover
in an aran wool

"at bedtime good girls
all get hotties
but naughty girls
get smacks on botties"

that rhyme used to make me cry
when I was a little girl

# 21

my next few makes
have been to use up
some of the leftover balls of yarn
in my stash,
the ones that stop
the cupboards doors from
closing properly

so number twentyone
is a shawl
made from some yarn
that had been knitted into
a very complicated shawl
which took ages but
I hated it so pulled it all out

I used the wildheart pattern
by janina kallio design

# 20

les mots

number 20 is a bit of upcycling

a laura ashley curtain box
which being the size of a suitcase,
was just too
big and sturdy
to put in the recycling bin,
so I decided to cover it
and use as storage
for some of my craft stuff

I used a novel in french,
les mots entre mes mains
by guinevere glasfurd

in english,
the words in my hand,
which I plan to read soon
(in english)
as it sounds like a good book

to finish it off
I, tongue in cheek,
put a printout of a
louis vuitton
luggage label on it

today I am listening
to one of my favourite albums
nothing to win, nothing to lose
by anchor & the butterfly
who should have so much more recognition